Units, tens, hundreds
Level: Classes 1-3, units, tens, hundreds (also great for older classes as a replay)
Necessary elements: gears or Korbo Blocks rollers, two platforms per pair/group/person (depending on how we divide the class). game cube
Together with the students, we look for numbers by pre-setting the conditions for the digits of hundreds, tens, and unity that must meet – for example, in this number, the digit of tens is greater than 3.
An example of a challenge:
Build a number in which the number of hundreds is less than 3, the number tens less than 4, and the unity digit greater than six.
Each student who arranges a number that meets a given relationship receives a point. Anyone who creates the largest possible (or in another task) number that meets the condition 2pts 🙂
After completing the task, all its elements land again in the container and create another task based on the given example.
Each point is one element of Korbo (in a different color or shape than is needed to carry out this task) that the child collects. At the end of the collected elements, each builds some interesting structure (or e.g. a number).
The colors of gears or cylinders corresponding to the number of hundreds, tens, unity can be determined with class before completing the task, depending on the number of available blocks.
Have fun!