We write the letter “A”
The task can be found in the Korbo Edu + Concept handbook
First, we search for gears of the same color (limited number of gears, so children have to determine for themselves which child takes which colors, assuming that some colors are less than others).
When everyone finds the gears of the same color, we start arranging the letter. Well, it is not as simple as it might seem, the gears must be adjusted to each other (eg. at apex A, 3 racks must be fitted to each other). Of course, remember to arrange the gears in the order you write the letters (from the bottom left to the top, then right down and finally a horizontal line)
Once we have managed to arrange the letter A, we search for 15 cylinders of one color (other than the color of the Korbo Blocks gears) and raise the level of the task. You have to place the rollers in the gears in such a way as not to destroy the previously built letter.
When the task is completed – the children swap letters and first take out the rollers so as not to spoil the letters. And then they put the gears back in the box.
The task can also be completed differently. The letter A can be divided into 3 “dashes” – each of a different color. Then the letter is put in the order of writing. Further, waltzes etc. similarly.
Work cards with letters are included in the Korbo Blocks + Concept set available at: https://korbo.eu/product/educoncept/